Virtual reality is completely changing how we design buildings!
From our small design studios in Lancashire, UK, you can explore buildings around the world, including ones that don’t exist yet. You can...

HAD - Registered LABC Partners
LABC represents all local authority building control teams in England and Wales, who work cooperatively with building owners, home...

Residential Planning Permission
You will probably need planning if you are looking to do the following: - Build a new building - Make a change to your building i.e build...
Liberal Democrats conference: Lessons on planning
#planningpermissionconference #planningpermissionburnley #liberaldemocratsburnley #burnleyplanning #planningpendle #pendlelibdems...

HAD - Finalists for English Asian Business Awards 2014
The English Asian Business Awards presented by Lloyds Banking Group will honour the determination, hard work and personal achievements of...

3 Tips to from the Hussain Architectural team to help you meet tight deadlines
At the Hussain Architectural Design offices we're often managing a project with a short turnaround time, it is crucial that all...