Planning permission/ application for a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO)
Successful landlords and investors in London/Manchester and in the UK are now converting their properties into HMOs not only to secure their financial future, but also to boost their rental income and house price.
As HMO Architectural designers, we help landlords and investors. As our client, we will help you produce HMO planning drawings, design the layout of your property according to the policies, work towards achieving Planning Permission for your conversion and build your highly profitable house share model.
Having completed over 700 projects including all types of property conversions in Article 4 Direction HMO areas and conservation areas in London and Manchester, we will help you develop a strategy to design, plan and build your multi-let.
Occupants – 3-5
A house (or flat) is an HMO (House in Multiple Occupation) if there are three or more unrelated people. This is known as a HMO C4 Use Class. If your local council has applied for an Article 4 direction under the Town and Country Planning Act, then you would need planning permission for HMO conversion. So far, most of the councils in London are subject to Article 4 HMO planning restrictions. Your HMO planning drawings and planning application should show that:
The property should satisfy Fire Safety regulations.
There is a shortage of housing in your borough.
The property will have adequate parking provision.
The property will have a satisfactory internal layout with adequate space and daylight, and sufficient amenities.
Occupants – 6+
The above applies however this is known as a Large HMO Sui Generis Use Class.
For further information contact us:
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