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Thinking of setting up a Shisha cafe?

Business owners must make sure they comply with the Health Act 2006 and the Smoke Free Regulations 2006 when considering providing an area for smoking as a amin part of their business, for example a shisha lounge or a smoking shelter.

The smoke-free law applies to everyone and that includes shisha bars and despite the business owners wanting to provide a comfortable/warm place where people can spend long periods of time, they are still unaccaptable due to them being enclosed or substancially enclosed.

Before setting up a shisha cafè you should consider:

  • Planning and Building Regulations

  • Fire Safety

  • Licensing Act 2003 e.g. regulated entertainment and late night refreshments

  • Statutory Nuisance i.e. noise and smells

  • Health and Safety e.g. lighting, electrical safety and gas safety

  • Food Safety e.g. Food Business Registration forms

  • Trading Standards e.g. underage sales of tobacco, incorrectly labelled tobacco and tobacco advertising signage

  • Revenue and Customs e.g. duty liable on tobacco products

  • Smoke free law

Business owners should be aware that compliance with one of the above legislative requirements does not mean that you comply with another. For example obtaining planning permission for a smoking shelter does not mean that the structure complies with smoke-free law.

It is the business owners’ responsibility to ensure that they comply with all aspects of the law. Here at HAD we have completed a number of shisha lounges that fir within the regulations, feel free to email us with details of your project and one of our experts will get back to you:

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